Frequently Asked Questions

What is Clinical Reflexology?

The following definition is informed by the Clinical Association of Reflexologists.

Clinical Reflexologists are trained to work safely on people with medical problems without written or verbal permission from the doctor and can be insured to do this. They will always seek to work with, and refer back to, whenever required, the client's doctor and other healthcare providers and can be considered to be part of the client's healthcare team. They have undergone advanced training to support clients living with a range of medical conditions (noting the 5 main benefits of Reflexology). Clinical Reflexologists have diagnostic skills which are applied within a complementary framework. Whilst the training of a Clinical Reflexologist is extensive they do not diagnose within an allopathic (mainstream medicine) framework. Clinical Reflexology is complementary to, and not an alternative to medical advice.

How do I find a fully qualified and insured Reflexologist?

The Association of Reflexologists (AoR) provides a register of qualified and fully insured Reflexologists. Look for the use of the initials MAR. Full membership of the AoR means that the Reflexologist can be included on the 'NHS Find a Reflexologist' listing. In addition, Reflexology is listed by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) - this is the Independent UK regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners.

I have memberships and listings on all of the above (MAR, NHS find a reflexologist and CNHC). In addition, I retain Chartered memberships of the British Psychological Society and as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Ergonomics and Human Factors. All of these organisations require evidence of continuing professional development and adherence to a code of conduct and ethical practice.

Is Reflexology covered by Private Health Insurance?

The short answer is YES. Please check the specific detail of your health insurance policy to determine whether or not Reflexology is covered in full or in part. I can provide a receipt to support your health insurance claim, where applicable.

Do I have to have Foot Reflexology on a massage table?

Duopody foot reflexology, where both feet (and the foot 'tops and soles') are treated at the same time can be performed with clients sitting upright, at various angles, or laying down on a massage bed. Many Reflexologists also have a Reflexology chair (e.g. a Lafuma chair, or similar) where the client is able to be seated and tipped back into a comfortable position with legs raised. Other adaptations can be made, so long as the Reflexologist can comfortably gain access to the client's feet. For example the client may be laying in bed, or seated within their own chair with feet on a foot stool with a comfortable pillow or cushion underneath to support. A conversation with your Reflexologist to support the best positioning is very much invited to ensure a positive Reflexology treatment experience.

How many Reflexology treatments will I need and how often?.

This will be discussed as part of your first extended Reflexology session taking into consideration your key reasons for booking into see your Reflexologist, your medical history, health and wellness related goals and with full respect to your time and investment in Reflexology. In some cases short and frequent sessions even daily or twice a week might be appropriate, whilst in other cases weekly sessions for a period of time, extending to fortnightly and then monthly might be best. Having an ongoing conversation with your Reflexologist on what works for you is important and this will form part of your Reflexology treatment plan.

What can I do to get the most from my Reflexology session?

If possible do not 'rush' to or from your Reflexology appointment. Sometimes this is easier said than done! But taking time to relax before and definitely after your session is beneficial to getting the most from your treatment time and is supportive of the rebalancing effects of Reflexology. Where possible select a treatment setting that allow you to sit, relax and perhaps have a refreshment prior to stepping back into your 'everyday'. If you can then take some time to think about what you would like to gain from your Reflexology sessions - this might be 'simply' making time for you and your self-care, or finding ways through reflexology to support the quality and quantity of sleep, relaxation, release from tension, rebalancing of mood etc.

Get In Touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how reflexology works or queries regarding how I might support you in your health and wellness journey. You can also call me on +44 07502405230 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential.